Updated February 4, 2020, By Helen Ashcroft: As The Sims franchise turns 20 years old we can't help but look back at the series as a whole and specifically the differences between versions. Here’s a question that’s really divided the fanbase, then: which is better, The Sims 3 or The Sims 4? Let’s try and answer that by taking a look at things each game does better than the other.

RELATED: The Sims 4: 25 Tricks From The Game Casual Fans Have No Idea About Like any franchise, the life sim has seen changes to its core mechanics with each entry, not all of which have been well received.

Fans of any long-running series will tell you that. Tastes vary, and sometimes a step forward is a step back. They need to take the original in new directions, but not too new. Things need to be bigger and better than before, but not just a retread. The latter helped it to become the best Sims game to the date, also arriving on iOS and Android.Sequels are a tricky business, aren’t they? Developers are always treading a fine line.
If you want to know about the expansions of this version, here are some of its most popular ones: World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future, High-End Loft Stuff, Fast Lane Stuff, Movie Stuff.

Hairstyles can also be defined depending on the clothes. In turn, we've also got more chances to choose between different clothing items, with more clothes to define our Sim's style without needing to purchase them from any store because they're always available. The level of detail of the physical traits was greatly improved, expanding the options for men and women, depending on the sex and age of the characters. Sims creation systemĪs the precursor to the current Create a Sim tool to generate avatars, this system meant a giant quality leap regarding what we had seen to date. This game is the next step in the evolution of the series, offering us new possibilities when it comes to developing our avatars in the virtual world posed, incorporating two main updates. all these titles are part of this series, as well as this The Sims 3, considered as the third installment that appeared back in 2009. The Sims Online, The Sims 2, The Sims in the City, Castaway, Stories, Medieval. Ever since the first installment was released in the year 2000, it has sold over 100 million units. The Sims is probably the most successful social simulation saga in video gaming history.